Below you can access the streaming video instruction for this course. We also have included streaming and downloadable versions of the audio jam tracks. If you encounter any issues with these files, please email us at
Audio: Download Tracks
Disc 1
Worried Man Blues at 50 bpm
Worried Man Blues at 60 bpm
Worried Man Blues at 72 bpm
Worried Man Blues at 86 bpm
Worried Man Blues at 100 bpm
Wildwood Flower at 50 bpm
Wildwood Flower at 60 bpm
Wildwood Flower at 72 bpm
Wildwood Flower at 86 bpm
Wildwood Flower at 100 bpm
Boil Them Cabbage Down at 50 bpm
Boil Them Cabbage Down at 60 bpm
Boil Them Cabbage Down at 72 bpm
Boil Them Cabbage Down at 86 bpm
Boil Them Cabbage Down at 100 bpm
Cripple Creek at 50 bpm
Cripple Creek at 60 bpm
Cripple Creek at 72 bpm
Cripple Creek at 86 bpm
Cripple Creek at 100 bpm
John Hardy at 50 bpm
John Hardy at 60 bpm
John Hardy at 72 bpm
John Hardy at 86 bpm
John Hardy at 100 bpm
Red Haired Boy at 5o bpm
Red Haired Boy at 6o bpm
Red Haired Boy at 72 bpm
Red Haired Boy at 86 bpm
Red Haired Boy at 10o bpm
Soldier’s Joy at 50 bpm
Soldier’s Joy at 60 bpm
Soldier’s Joy at 72 bpm
Soldier’s Joy at 86 bpm
Soldier’s Joy at 100 bpm
Disc 2
8th of January at 50 bpm
8th of January at 60 bpm
8th of January at 72 bpm
8th of January at 86 bpm
8th of January at 100 bpm
Billy in the Lowground at 50 bpm
Billy in the Lowground at 60 bpm
Billy in the Lowground at 72 bpm
Billy in the Lowground at 86 bpm
Billy in the Lowground at 100 bpm
Blackberry Blossum at 5o bpm
Blackberry Blossum at 6o bpm
Blackberry Blossum at 72 bpm
Blackberry Blossum at 86 bpm
Blackberry Blossum at 10o bpm
Bill Cheatum at 50 bpm
Bill Cheatum at 60 bpm
Bill Cheatum at 72 bpm
Bill Cheatum at 86 bpm
Bill Cheatum at 100 bpm
Sally Goodin at 50 bpm
Sally Goodin at 60 bpm
Sally Goodin at 72 bpm
Sally Goodin at 86 bpm
Sally Goodin at 100 bpm
Old Joe Clark at 50 bpm
Old Joe Clark at 60 bpm
Old Joe Clark at 72 bpm
Old Joe Clark at 86 bpm
Old Joe Clark at 100 bpm
Salt Creek at 50 bpm
Salt Creek at 60 bpm
Salt Creek at 72 bpm
Salt Creek at 86 bpm
Salt Creek at 100 bpm